Hip hop slovník
A-town [Ej-taun] - Atlanta
A.K.A. [Ej kej ej] - Alias, přezdívka
AK47 [Ej kej foudy sevn] - Ruský samopal + vysoce kvalitní odrůda trávy
ATL [Ej tý el] - Atlanta
ATX [Ej tý ex] - Vykuř mi ho (suck my dick)
Acid [Ésid] - Syntetická droga /LSD/
Afro [Éfro ] - Účes tzv. mikrofon
Alizé [Elizej] - Francouzský nápoj z koňaku a ovoce
Ay yo trip [Ej jou trip] - Zčekuj to
[Bí] - Zkratka pro bratra nebo člena gangu Bloods
B-Boy [Bí boj] - Breakdancer
B-Coat [Bí kout] - Neprůstřelná vesta
B.K. [Bí kej] - Brooklyn + Burger King /obdoba McDonalds/
BG [Bí dží] - Mladý gangster + rapper z Cash Money Crew
BM [Bí em] - Zkratka pro BMW
Bag up [Bég up] - Být zatčen
Bail out [Bejl aut] - Uniknout / zmizet
Baller [Bóla] - Hráč basketbalu + někdo kdo zbohatl svým uměním
C-town [Cí-taun] - Čínská čtvrť, nebo jakékoliv město začínající na C
C.B. [Cí Bí] - Někdo kdo někomu překazí balení holky + vězeňský blok/cell block/
C.I. /Confidential Informer/ [Sí áj /konfidenšl infómr/] - Práskač - c.i. je policejní kód informátora
C.O. /correctional officer/ [Sí ou /korekšnl ofisa/] - Pracovník v nápravném zařízení
CPT [Sí pí tý] - Compton - čtvrť v LA
Caine [Kejn] - Kokain
Calliope [Kálijoup] - Ghetto čtrť v New Orleans
Cap [Kep] - Kulka + Crack
Cheeba [Číba] - Černá odrůda braziské marihuany
Cheese/cheddar [Číz/čeda] - Prachy
Cherry six four [Čery six fou] - Třešňově červená Impala 1964 /Chevrolet/
Chi town [Šáj taun] - Chicago
Chickenhead [Čiknhed] - Blbec
D-Block [Dý blok] - Část věznice s nejvyšší ostrahou
D.O.A. [Dý ou ej] - Policejní výraz-mrtev při příjezdu
DL = down low [Dý el = daun lou] - Utajeně
Dank [Dénk] - Kvalitní tráva
Deep cover [Dýp kavr] - Tajný policista
Deuce [Djůs] - 0,5l alkoholu, + 1962 Impala,+ pistole kal. ,22
Dig [Dyg] - Něco chápat
Dike [Dajk] - Lesba
Dime [Dájm] - 10$ sakl trávy
Dirty south [Drty sauth] - Oblast USA - Alabama, Mississipi, Louisianna
Dis - disrespect [Dys - dysryspekt] - Urážka - používá se v battlech
Dog = dawg [Dóg] - Kámoš
E.I. [Í já] - Náhrada "yes" používá se v St.Loius + druh doutníků (EI)
Endo [Endou] - Tráva
Ends [Bí boj] - Prachy
Escalade [Eskalejd] - Chevrolet Escalade = luxusní SUV
Ese = SA/spanish american/ [Esej] - Kámoš / používají především latino-američané/
Fade [Fejd] - Zastřižení vlasů na krku a zarovnání
Fade[Fejd] - Zastřižení vlasů na krku a zarovnání
Fag[Fég] - Homosexuál
Fiend [Fínd] - Zloduch + něco moc potřebovat/drogy/
Fifth[Fift] - 1/5 galonu cca 0,75 lahev
Figga[Figa] - Částka
Finger on the trigger [Finga on d trigga] - Prst na spoušti + autoritativní pozice
Flava[Flejva] - Příchuť
Flick[Flik] - Film
Floss[Flos] - Předvádět se
Flow[Flou] - Tok peněz + rapovat
Přehled komentářů
Обеспечьте комфорт в своей квартире с помощью профессиональной установки кондиционера в Москве. Низкая цена и высокое качество гарантированы! Установка кондиционера - это легко с нами. https://vc.ru/u/1850205-viktor-abramov
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Хотите купить кондиционер с установкой в Москве? Обращайтесь к нам! Наша компания предлагает профессиональную установку кондиционеров по доступной цене. Создайте комфортную атмосферу в своей квартире. https://taplink.cc/atmos24
Гарантированный комфорт в вашей квартире - это установка кондиционера в Москве. Мы предлагаем качественные кондиционеры и профессиональную установку по привлекательной цене. Не упустите возможность создать идеальный микроклимат в своем доме! https://www.cakeresume.com/me/viktor-abramov
(AndresORACT, 14. 6. 2023 15:24)
Plants serve an essential role in our ecosystem, acting as primary producers at the base of the food chain. They are incredibly diverse, ranging from tiny mosses to giant sequoias, and live in almost every environment on Earth. Besides their beauty, they own a diversity of crucial roles in nature, such as producing oxygen, reducing carbon dioxide, providing habitats for wildlife, and stabilizing soil to prevent erosion. Moreover, plants have a unique mode of nutrition called photosynthesis, where they utilize sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, a form of energy, and oxygen.
The categorization of plants is centered around their structure and method of reproduction. Broadly, they are categorized into two main groups, vascular and nonvascular. Vascular plants, such as trees, flowers, and ferns, have specialized tissues for carrying water, nutrients, and photosynthetic products. Nonvascular plants, such as mosses and liverworts, lack these transport systems and count on diffusion and osmosis. Among vascular plants, further divisions encompass seedless plants, gymnosperms (seed-producing plants with naked seeds), and angiosperms (flowering plants with enclosed seeds). Angiosperms, in particular, are the most diverse group, with hundreds of thousands of species identified to science.
Plants have adapted a variety of adaptations to thrive in various environments. For instance, desert plants, such as cacti, have evolved thick, waxy skins to reduce water loss and needle-like leaves to minimize surface area exposed to the sun. In contrast, plants in water-scarce environments often have deep root systems to tap into underground water sources. Certain plants, known as carnivorous plants, have even adapted to nutrient-poor environments by developing mechanisms to trap and digest insects. Grasping the vast diversity and adaptations of plants not only offers insights into the mechanics of our natural world but also offers valuable knowledge for advancements in agriculture, medicine, and environmental conservation.
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(Egyvps, 14. 6. 2023 9:13)
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(Charlesbam, 10. 6. 2023 16:14)
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Приготовьтесь к незабываемому лету с KINOGO (https://kiinogo.biz)!
(Thomaslon, 10. 6. 2023 4:28)
1. 網路未興盛時代:
- 現場賭場時期(1980年代):賭博活動主要發生在實體賭場,包括家庭電話上的BB CALL呼叫器、六合彩、大家樂等方式。
- 電銷賭場時期(21世紀):隨著手機的普及,人們開始使用手機進行博弈,主要包括中華職棒簽賭和六合彩等。
2. 線上博弈時期(2013年開始):
- 網際網路普及後,原本的信用版博弈業者開始轉戰線上賭場(娛樂城),開啟了線上博弈的時代。
- 由於在台灣,線上賭場架設和經營是違法的,合法的線上賭場通常選擇在合法的國家進行架設。
- 開設線上賭場主要採用「現金儲值」的方式,以規避法律風險。玩家將現金兌換成賭資,進行投注。
3. 娛樂城商業模式的轉變:
- 早期的娛樂城業者往往將客服人員與金流(出入款)的職責綁在一起,
- 現代的娛樂城業者開始將客服人員、金流服務商以及廣告行銷外包,以降低定罪風險。
- 由於遠端工作的普及以及區塊鏈技術的應用,未來娛樂城業者可能更加難以被追查,這也凸顯了博弈產業合法化的必要性。
- 架站主機:娛樂城業者通常在合法的國家進行架設,使執法機關難以從此方面下手追查。
- 客服人員:娛樂城業者可能在台灣設立辦公室提供客服服務,這也是執法機關可能進行搜索的目標之一。
- 金流(出入款):娛樂城業者使用人頭帳戶進行金流操作,以規避監管機構的追蹤,但也存在風險。
- 行銷推廣:娛樂城業者需要進行廣告推廣來吸引玩家,行銷推廣方式也可能成為執法機關追查的一環。
Забудьте о проблемах продвижения: мы возьмем это на себя и доставим вам результаты
(SilentHelperRot, 9. 6. 2023 19:03)
Приветствую, партнеры! Я здесь чтобы рассказать с вами о том, как, как вы сможете повысить свой бизнес с помощью нашей которая специализируется услуги по продвижению в социальных сетях. Мы оперирует на растяжении числа подписчиков, лайков, комментариев, просмотров и других показателей активности в социальных сетях, таких как Фейсбук, ВКонтакте, OK, Twitter и прочие.
У нас есть понимание, что в наше время социальные сети являются существенной составляющей бизнеса, и мы сможем помочь вам улучшить ваше присутствие в них. Наша компания гарантирует качественное выполнение услуг и полную конфиденциальность. Мы работаем быстро и эффективно, чтобы клиенты получили максимальную отдачу от наших услуг.
Наша команда опытных маркетологов готова предоставить вам следующие услуги:
Увеличение числа подписчиков в социальных сетях. Мы поможем вам заинтересовать большое число активных подписчиков, которые захотят узнать больше о вашем бренде и продуктах.
Увеличение числа лайков и комментариев под вашими постами в социальных сетях. Это поможет вам стать более видимыми и привлечь больше внимания к вашим продуктам или услугам.
Повышение числа просмотров в социальных сетях. Мы поможем вам получить больше просмотров для ваших видео или публикаций, чтобы вы могли достичь большей аудитории и повысить вашу популярность.
Увеличение числа репостов и шерингов. Это поможет вам расширить свою аудиторию и привлечь больше внимания к вашему бренду и продуктам.
Мы использует только надежные и эффективные методы продвижения, которые гарантируют результаты. Мы также предлагаем индивидуальный подход к каждому клиенту, чтобы максимально удовлетворить его потребности и помочь ему достичь своих целей.
Как и любая компания, мы не можем гарантировать конкретные результаты, но мы гарантируем наилучшие возможности для вашего продвижения в социальных сетях. Наши услуги не только помогут вам увеличить количество подписчиков и лайков, но также улучшат общий имидж вашего бренда в онлайн-среде.
https://www.techtrix.com.pk/product/d-link-dph-150se/#comment-2071 - Получите мгновенное признание: наши услуги продвижения сделают это возможным https://altingassurantien.nl/component/k2/item/394-new-dreams/ - Увеличьте свою видимость в соцсетях и привлекайте больше клиентов d00_2a6
Некоторые люди, что покупка подписчиков и лайков - это обман, но на самом деле, это не так. Наши услуги не предполагают использование ботов и фейковых аккаунтов - мы работаем исключительно с реальными людьми, которые проявляют интерес к вашему контенту. Кроме того, увеличение количества подписчиков и лайков привлекает новых пользователей и способствует увеличению видимости и популярности вашего бренда.
Мы предоставляет услуги по продвижению во всех популярных социальных сетях, включая Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok и многие другие. Мы предлагаем широкий спектр услуг, включая подписчиков, лайки, комментарии, просмотры, репосты и многое другое.
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Fast and Easy Ways to Sell Your House in Colorado
(ScottGUISK, 8. 6. 2023 9:05)
Hey guys,
I'm trying to sell my house fast in Colorado and I was wondering if anyone had any tips or suggestions on how to do it quickly and efficiently? I've already tried listing it on some popular real estate websites, but I haven't had much luck yet.
I'm thinking about working with a local real estate agent, but I'm not sure if that's the best option for me.
If anyone has any experience with selling a house fast in Colorado, I would love to hear your story.
Thanks in advance!
Enhancing the Beauty of Nature: Discovering Dual Stunning Types of Flower Pots
(StevenTam, 6. 6. 2023 18:36)
In conclusion, pots for plants are more than just stylish vessels for your plants; they are a reflection of your individual taste and an opportunity to incorporate natural beauty into your living spaces. With a wide range of forms, sizes, materials, and styles available, you can easily find the ideal planter pot to suit your preferences and complement your existing decor.
Not only do pots for plants add visual appeal of any area, but they also provide the necessary nurturing and environment for your plants to thrive. With features like adequate water drainage and temperature regulation, these containers ensure healthy growth and development for your cherished greenery. Additionally, the flexibility of pots for plants allows you to easily relocate your plants around, both indoors and outdoors, adjusting to varying light requirements or seasonal changes.
So, whether you have a spacious outdoor area or a small apartment, explore the option of adding planters pots into your space. Not only will they add a touch of natural beauty, but they will also contribute to the health of your plants. Discover the wide options available and choose the pots for plants that speak to your individuality and taste, creating a thriving green oasis that brings joy and serenity to your everyday life.
(Gary_frix, 6. 6. 2023 17:27)
Компания "Теплицы Нижний Новгород" предлагает надежные теплицы с усиленным каркасом и дугами из высокопрочного поликарбоната. Размеры теплиц производства нашей компании доступны от 2 до 5 метров. Защищенная от коррозии дуга обеспечивает необходимую прочность при монтаже теплицы. Цены на нашу продукцию доступны и выгодны. У нас работают профессиональные мастера, готовые собрать теплицу в сжатые сроки. Мы предлагаем доставку по Нижнему Новгороду и окружающим районам по приемлемой цене. Постоянно проводятся акции и специальные предложения для наших лояльных заказчиков. Если Вы желаете приобрести теплицу от производителя, просто свяжитесь нам по указанным контактам. Теплицы Нижний Новгород - это качество и гарантия качества!
Super Ace
(EugeneLer, 5. 6. 2023 12:22)
Welcome to the world of top-notch online casino gaming with Jili's latest release, the Golden Empire. With its captivating theme, generous bonuses, and exciting gameplay, this slot game promises to take players on a thrilling adventure in search of hidden treasures. Join us as we delve into the depths of the Temple of the Sun and uncover the secret gold hoard that awaits!
Unveiling the Golden Empire:
The Golden Empire slot game is a masterpiece brought to you by Jili, a renowned name in the online casino industry. Step into the shoes of an intrepid adventurer as you embark on a quest for wealth and fortune. The game's enticing theme combines elements of ancient civilizations, exotic locales, and the allure of undiscovered riches.
Captivating Gameplay:
The Golden Empire offers a seamless gaming experience with its user-friendly interface, smooth graphics, and engaging sound effects. The reels are adorned with symbols of mystic artifacts, powerful chieftains, and golden treasures, adding to the immersive atmosphere. The game features a standard five-reel layout with multiple paylines, allowing players ample opportunities to land winning combinations.
Generous Bonuses:
To enhance your gaming experience, Jili Casino offers a range of exciting bonuses and rewards. Upon registration, new players receive a generous 148 PHP bonus absolutely free. Additionally, players can enjoy a first deposit bonus of 200%, further boosting their chances of striking it rich. These bonuses provide an excellent starting point for players to explore the Golden Empire and maximize their winnings.
The Temple of the Sun:
The highlight of the Golden Empire is undoubtedly the Temple of the Sun, a mysterious location said to hold a massive gold hoard. As the Chieftain guides you through the temple, each spin of the reels brings you closer to unlocking its secrets. With a stroke of luck, you may activate special bonus rounds and mini-games, offering even greater opportunities to amass your fortune.
No Download, No Worries:
Jili understands the importance of convenience and accessibility, which is why the Golden Empire slot game is available for instant play on their website. Say goodbye to time-consuming downloads and installations; simply visit the Jili site, register, and start spinning the reels. This hassle-free approach ensures that players can enjoy their gaming experience without any unnecessary delays.
Beyond the Reels:
While the Golden Empire is primarily a slot game, Jili has incorporated additional features to cater to a wider audience. Players can indulge in free games, lucky bingo betting, and other exciting activities, adding variety to their gaming sessions. Whether you're a fan of traditional slots or enjoy exploring different betting options, Jili has something for everyone.
The Golden Empire is set to be one of the most captivating and rewarding slot games of 2023. With its immersive theme, generous bonuses, and thrilling gameplay, it offers an unforgettable online casino experience. Join Jili's Golden Empire today, and let the Chieftain guide you into the Temple of the Sun, where unimaginable riches await. Register now and claim your free 148 PHP bonus, and remember, the Golden Empire is just a spin away from transforming your fortunes!
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American Wagyu: The Pinnacle of Beef Excellence
(DonaldNuh, 4. 6. 2023 20:00)
As a flagship of global cuisine, American Wagyu stands as a tribute to the heights that culinary excellence can reach. Every aspect, from its careful breeding to the meticulous attention to its diet and living conditions, culminates in a dining experience that exceeds the ordinary. The devotion and passion that are put into rearing these cattle are reflected in the unsurpassed gustatory pleasure they provide, elevating even the most basic meal into a true feast for the senses. Each taste of American Wagyu recites a story - a narrative of dedication to quality, passion for excellence, and a deep respect for tradition.
In conclusion, American Wagyu is not just a cut above the rest, but rather it denotes the peak of beef production. The journey from its Japanese roots to the American heartland has strengthened its appeal and certified its status as an unparalleled culinary delight. Savoring American Wagyu is not just about enjoying a meal, but also about appreciating the legacy, craftsmanship, and unswerving dedication that changes an ordinary beef cut into an outstanding epicurean experience. From the pasture to the plate, every step in the life of an American Wagyu is designed with one goal in mind - to forge the world's most lavish, flavorful, and indelible beef.
(StanleyNat, 4. 6. 2023 15:55)
Prepare to be captivated by a new era of live casino gaming as Evolution Gaming takes center stage, revolutionizing the way we play and experience online casinos. With their unwavering commitment to innovation and exceptional game design, Evolution Gaming has set the benchmark for immersive and thrilling gameplay. In this article, we will explore the extraordinary features and gameplay of Evolution Gaming's Live Baccarat, Crazy Time, Roulette, Mega Ball, and Instant Roulette, showcasing how they have elevated live casino entertainment to new heights, delivering unforgettable experiences to players worldwide.
Live Baccarat: Where Tradition Meets Technological Marvel
Step into the realm of elegance and excitement with Evolution Gaming's Live Baccarat. From the moment you join the virtual table, you are immersed in the sophisticated world of high-stakes gaming. Experience the thrill of the squeeze as the cards are revealed, accompanied by seamless video streaming and multiple camera angles that capture every moment in stunning detail. With interactive features and the opportunity to claim a 100% Welcome Bonus, Evolution Gaming's Live Baccarat ensures an immersive and rewarding experience for all players seeking the perfect blend of tradition and technological marvel.
Crazy Time: Unleashing a Whirlwind of Entertainment
Prepare for a mind-blowing adventure with Crazy Time, a game that transcends traditional casino boundaries and delivers an extraordinary entertainment spectacle. Evolution Gaming's Crazy Time combines game show elements with casino gaming, offering an immersive and unpredictable experience like no other. Engage with energetic hosts as you spin the larger-than-life Crazy Time wheel, unveiling thrilling bonus rounds and mind-boggling multipliers. With its vibrant visuals, captivating gameplay, and the potential for colossal wins, Crazy Time guarantees an adrenaline-fueled journey that will leave players in awe.
Roulette: Redefining the Wheel of Fortune
Evolution Gaming's Live Roulette breathes new life into the iconic casino game, creating an immersive and dynamic experience that captures the essence of the roulette wheel. Engage with professional dealers in real-time as you place your bets and witness the wheel spin in anticipation. The high-quality video streaming, customizable viewing options, and interactive chat features allow for an authentic and engaging gaming environment. Whether you prefer the classic European style or the thrill of American Roulette, Evolution Gaming's Live Roulette offers endless excitement and the chance to strike it lucky.
Mega Ball: Where Lottery and Bingo Collide
Prepare for a revolutionary gaming experience with Mega Ball, a game that seamlessly combines the excitement of lotteries with the communal spirit of bingo. Purchase your cards, cross your fingers, and watch as the Mega Ball machine draws numbered balls. Match as many numbers as possible, and hold your breath as multipliers are revealed, potentially leading to jaw-dropping wins. With its innovative gameplay, social interaction, and the thrill of chasing mega multipliers, Mega Ball creates a truly immersive and exhilarating gaming experience that captivates players of all backgrounds.
Instant Roulette: Fast-Paced Action, Endless Thrills
For players seeking instant action and non-stop excitement, Evolution Gaming's Instant Roulette delivers an adrenaline-pumping experience like no other. With multiple wheels spinning simultaneously, players have the freedom to place bets at their own pace, resulting in a seamless and exhilarating gaming session. The lightning-fast gameplay, intuitive interface, and the ability to switch between wheels in an instant ensure that Instant Roulette caters to the need for speed and offers an electrifying adventure for every player.
(StanleyNat, 3. 6. 2023 16:46)
The online casino industry has witnessed a remarkable evolution over the years, and GcashBonus has emerged as a true game-changer in this dynamic landscape. With its innovative approach, unparalleled gaming offerings, and commitment to customer satisfaction, GcashBonus has redefined the way players experience online casino entertainment. In this article, we will explore the key factors that have contributed to the rise of GcashBonus as a leading platform, including its cutting-edge features, extensive game selection, and emphasis on creating a secure and immersive gaming environment.
Cutting-Edge Features for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience:
GcashBonus sets itself apart by leveraging cutting-edge features that take online casino gaming to new heights. The platform utilizes state-of-the-art technology, including high-definition graphics, seamless animations, and immersive sound effects, to create an engaging and realistic gaming environment. From the moment players enter the virtual casino, they are transported into a world of excitement and possibility, where every spin of the reels and every card dealt brings anticipation and thrill.
Extensive Game Selection to Cater to All Tastes:
One of the hallmarks of GcashBonus is its vast and diverse game selection, designed to cater to the preferences of every player. Whether you're a fan of classic table games like blackjack and roulette, or you prefer the adrenaline rush of slot machines, GcashBonus has it all. The platform partners with renowned software providers to offer a comprehensive portfolio of games, ensuring that players have access to the latest and most popular titles. With GcashBonus, there's never a shortage of options, allowing players to explore different games and find their favorites.
Creating a Secure and Fair Gaming Environment:
GcashBonus places a strong emphasis on player security and fair play. The platform employs advanced security measures, including encryption technology and strict privacy policies, to protect player information and transactions. GcashBonus also operates under regulatory frameworks, ensuring that players can enjoy a fair and transparent gaming experience. By prioritizing player safety and fairness, GcashBonus instills confidence in its users, allowing them to focus on the excitement and entertainment without any worries.
Generous Bonuses and Promotions to Enhance the Gameplay:
GcashBonus understands the importance of rewarding its players and adding extra value to their gaming experience. The platform offers an array of enticing bonuses and promotions, starting from the moment players sign up. These may include welcome bonuses, free spins, cashback offers, and exclusive tournaments. GcashBonus believes in keeping the excitement alive and providing ample opportunities for players to maximize their winnings. With its generous rewards program, GcashBonus ensures that players are consistently rewarded for their loyalty and dedication.
User-Friendly Interface for Seamless Navigation:
Navigating the GcashBonus platform is a breeze, thanks to its user-friendly interface. The platform has been designed with the player in mind, ensuring that every aspect, from registration to game selection and banking, is intuitive and effortless. Whether you're a novice or an experienced player, GcashBonus provides a smooth and streamlined user experience, allowing you to focus on the games and enjoy a hassle-free gaming session.
GcashBonus has made a significant impact on the online casino industry, offering an innovative and immersive gaming experience that captivates players worldwide. With its cutting-edge features, extensive game selection, secure environment, and generous bonuses, GcashBonus has set a new standard for online casino entertainment. Embark on an unforgettable gaming journey with GcashBonus and discover the true meaning of excitement, rewards, and unrivaled entertainment in the world of online gambling.
New moda
(Antonioprumb, 3. 6. 2023 7:40)
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Установка кондиционера в квартире
(atmospost, 14. 6. 2023 16:35)